I have never been bored since that day.
At work this last week, I was programming an application that only keypad for user input. To display a report on the monitor, I decided to require the user to type 0.7734. It was either that or 8675309. I don't know if anyone will ever figure out the significance of the number or not.
Today, my user asked for a new report. This requires me to come up with a new numeric sequence, leading me to research calculator spelling. The official name for calculator spelling is called a BEghILOS (those are the letters that resemble numbers on the calculator).
I have been wanting to write something in python (the programming language) for some time now and decided that this project was as good as any. So I wrote a program listing all the possible BEghiLOS that exist. It turns out there are 542 of them.
The dictionary I used was found here. If you know of a BEghILOS that is not on the list, its the fault of the dictionary :) Please add it in the comments.
I also posted the python script after the below list. Any of you python gurus out there, if you see anything weird with my code, please let me know. It's my first python program, so I'd be surprised if there wasn't something wrong.
Word | Calculator Numbers |
be | 38 |
bee | 338 |
beebee | 338338 |
beebees | 5338338 |
bees | 5338 |
beg | 938 |
begs | 5938 |
beige | 39138 |
beiges | 539138 |
bel | 738 |
belie | 31738 |
belies | 531738 |
bell | 7738 |
belle | 37738 |
belles | 537738 |
bellies | 5317738 |
bells | 57738 |
bels | 5738 |
besiege | 3931538 |
besieges | 53931538 |
bezel | 73238 |
bezels | 573238 |
bezil | 71238 |
bezils | 571238 |
bi | 18 |
bib | 818 |
bibb | 8818 |
bibbs | 58818 |
bible | 37818 |
bibles | 537818 |
bibless | 5537818 |
bibs | 5818 |
big | 918 |
biggie | 319918 |
biggies | 5319918 |
biggish | 4519918 |
bigs | 5918 |
bilbo | 08718 |
bilboes | 5308718 |
bilbos | 508718 |
bile | 3718 |
biles | 53718 |
bilge | 39718 |
bilges | 539718 |
bill | 7718 |
billie | 317718 |
billies | 5317718 |
bills | 57718 |
bio | 018 |
bios | 5018 |
bis | 518 |
bise | 3518 |
bises | 53518 |
biz | 218 |
bize | 3218 |
bizes | 53218 |
bizzes | 532218 |
bleb | 8378 |
blebs | 58378 |
bless | 55378 |
blesses | 5355378 |
bliss | 55178 |
blisses | 5355178 |
blob | 8078 |
blobs | 58078 |
blooie | 310078 |
bo | 08 |
bob | 808 |
bobbies | 5318808 |
bobble | 378808 |
bobbles | 5378808 |
bobs | 5808 |
bog | 908 |
boggish | 4519908 |
boggle | 379908 |
boggles | 5379908 |
bogie | 31908 |
bogies | 531908 |
bogle | 37908 |
bogles | 537908 |
bogs | 5908 |
boil | 7108 |
boils | 57108 |
bole | 3708 |
boles | 53708 |
boll | 7708 |
bolls | 57708 |
bolo | 0708 |
bolos | 50708 |
bolshie | 3145708 |
bolshies | 53145708 |
boo | 008 |
boob | 8008 |
boobie | 318008 |
boobies | 5318008 |
boobish | 4518008 |
booboo | 008008 |
booboos | 5008008 |
boobs | 58008 |
boogie | 319008 |
boogies | 5319008 |
boohoo | 004008 |
boohoos | 5004008 |
boos | 5008 |
booze | 32008 |
boozes | 532008 |
bos | 508 |
bosh | 4508 |
boshes | 534508 |
boss | 5508 |
bosses | 535508 |
bossies | 5315508 |
bozo | 0208 |
bozos | 50208 |
ebb | 883 |
ebbs | 5883 |
eel | 733 |
eels | 5733 |
egg | 993 |
eggless | 5537993 |
eggs | 5993 |
eggshell | 77345993 |
egis | 5193 |
egises | 535193 |
ego | 093 |
egoless | 5537093 |
egos | 5093 |
eh | 43 |
el | 73 |
elegies | 5319373 |
elegise | 3519373 |
elegises | 53519373 |
elegize | 3219373 |
elegizes | 53219373 |
elhi | 1473 |
eligible | 37819173 |
ell | 773 |
ells | 5773 |
els | 573 |
else | 3573 |
es | 53 |
eses | 5353 |
ess | 553 |
esses | 53553 |
gee | 339 |
gees | 5339 |
geese | 35339 |
geez | 2339 |
gel | 739 |
gelee | 33739 |
gelees | 533739 |
gels | 5739 |
gesso | 05539 |
gessoes | 5305539 |
ghee | 3349 |
ghees | 53349 |
ghi | 149 |
ghibli | 178149 |
ghiblis | 5178149 |
ghillie | 3177149 |
ghillies | 53177149 |
ghis | 5149 |
gib | 819 |
gibbose | 3508819 |
gibe | 3819 |
gibes | 53819 |
gibs | 5819 |
gie | 319 |
gies | 5319 |
gig | 919 |
giggle | 379919 |
giggles | 5379919 |
gighe | 34919 |
gigolo | 070919 |
gigolos | 5070919 |
gigs | 5919 |
gill | 7719 |
gillie | 317719 |
gillies | 5317719 |
gills | 57719 |
glebe | 38379 |
glebes | 538379 |
glee | 3379 |
glees | 53379 |
gleg | 9379 |
glib | 8179 |
glob | 8079 |
globe | 38079 |
globes | 538079 |
globose | 3508079 |
globs | 58079 |
glogg | 99079 |
gloggs | 599079 |
gloss | 55079 |
glosses | 5355079 |
glossies | 53155079 |
gloze | 32079 |
glozes | 532079 |
go | 09 |
gob | 809 |
gobble | 378809 |
gobbles | 5378809 |
gobies | 531809 |
gobo | 0809 |
goboes | 530809 |
gobos | 50809 |
gobs | 5809 |
goes | 5309 |
goggle | 379909 |
goggles | 5379909 |
gogo | 0909 |
gogos | 50909 |
golosh | 450709 |
goloshe | 3450709 |
goloshes | 53450709 |
goo | 009 |
googlies | 53179009 |
googol | 709009 |
googols | 5709009 |
goos | 5009 |
goose | 35009 |
gooses | 535009 |
gosh | 4509 |
he | 34 |
hebe | 3834 |
hebes | 53834 |
heel | 7334 |
heelless | 55377334 |
heels | 57334 |
heeze | 32334 |
heezes | 532334 |
heh | 434 |
hehs | 5434 |
heigh | 49134 |
heil | 7134 |
heils | 57134 |
heishi | 145134 |
helio | 01734 |
helios | 501734 |
hell | 7734 |
hellhole | 37047734 |
hellish | 4517734 |
hello | 07734 |
helloes | 5307734 |
hellos | 507734 |
hells | 57734 |
helo | 0734 |
helos | 50734 |
hes | 534 |
hi | 14 |
hie | 314 |
hies | 5314 |
higgle | 379914 |
higgles | 5379914 |
high | 4914 |
highs | 54914 |
hili | 1714 |
hill | 7714 |
hillo | 07714 |
hilloes | 5307714 |
hillos | 507714 |
hills | 57714 |
his | 514 |
hiss | 5514 |
hisses | 535514 |
hissies | 5315514 |
ho | 04 |
hob | 804 |
hobbies | 5318804 |
hobble | 378804 |
hobbles | 5378804 |
hobo | 0804 |
hoboes | 530804 |
hobos | 50804 |
hobs | 5804 |
hoe | 304 |
hoes | 5304 |
hog | 904 |
hogg | 9904 |
hoggish | 4519904 |
hoggs | 59904 |
hogs | 5904 |
hoise | 35104 |
hoises | 535104 |
hole | 3704 |
holeless | 55373704 |
holes | 53704 |
holies | 531704 |
hollies | 5317704 |
hollo | 07704 |
holloes | 5307704 |
holloo | 007704 |
holloos | 5007704 |
hollos | 507704 |
hols | 5704 |
hoolie | 317004 |
hose | 3504 |
hosel | 73504 |
hosels | 573504 |
hoses | 53504 |
ibis | 5181 |
ibises | 535181 |
igloo | 00791 |
igloos | 500791 |
ill | 771 |
ills | 5771 |
is | 51 |
isle | 3751 |
isleless | 55373751 |
isles | 53751 |
isogloss | 55079051 |
isohel | 734051 |
isohels | 5734051 |
isolog | 907051 |
isologs | 5907051 |
issei | 13551 |
isseis | 513551 |
lee | 337 |
lees | 5337 |
leg | 937 |
leges | 53937 |
legible | 3781937 |
legless | 5537937 |
legs | 5937 |
lei | 137 |
leis | 5137 |
less | 5537 |
lessee | 335537 |
lessees | 5335537 |
lez | 237 |
lezzes | 532237 |
lezzie | 312237 |
lezzies | 5312237 |
li | 17 |
lib | 817 |
libel | 73817 |
libelee | 3373817 |
libelees | 53373817 |
libellee | 33773817 |
libels | 573817 |
libs | 5817 |
lie | 317 |
liege | 39317 |
lieges | 539317 |
lies | 5317 |
lilies | 531717 |
lis | 517 |
lisle | 37517 |
lisles | 537517 |
lo | 07 |
lob | 807 |
lobbies | 5318807 |
lobe | 3807 |
lobes | 53807 |
lobo | 0807 |
lobos | 50807 |
lobs | 5807 |
loess | 55307 |
loesses | 5355307 |
log | 907 |
loge | 3907 |
loges | 53907 |
loggie | 319907 |
logo | 0907 |
logoi | 10907 |
logos | 50907 |
logs | 5907 |
loll | 7707 |
lollies | 5317707 |
lolls | 57707 |
loo | 007 |
loobies | 5318007 |
looie | 31007 |
looies | 531007 |
loos | 5007 |
loose | 35007 |
looses | 535007 |
lose | 3507 |
losel | 73507 |
losels | 573507 |
loses | 53507 |
loss | 5507 |
losses | 535507 |
obe | 380 |
obeli | 17380 |
obelise | 3517380 |
obelises | 53517380 |
obelize | 3217380 |
obelizes | 53217380 |
obes | 5380 |
obese | 35380 |
obi | 180 |
obis | 5180 |
oblige | 391780 |
obligee | 3391780 |
obligees | 53391780 |
obliges | 5391780 |
oboe | 3080 |
oboes | 53080 |
obol | 7080 |
obole | 37080 |
oboles | 537080 |
oboli | 17080 |
obols | 57080 |
obsess | 553580 |
obsesses | 53553580 |
oe | 30 |
oes | 530 |
ogee | 3390 |
ogees | 53390 |
ogle | 3790 |
ogles | 53790 |
oh | 40 |
oho | 040 |
ohs | 540 |
oil | 710 |
oilhole | 3704710 |
oilholes | 53704710 |
oils | 5710 |
ole | 370 |
oleo | 0370 |
oleos | 50370 |
oles | 5370 |
olio | 0170 |
olios | 50170 |
ologies | 5319070 |
ooh | 400 |
oohs | 5400 |
oologies | 53190700 |
ooze | 3200 |
oozes | 53200 |
os | 50 |
ose | 350 |
oses | 5350 |
see | 335 |
seel | 7335 |
seels | 57335 |
sees | 5335 |
seg | 935 |
sego | 0935 |
segos | 50935 |
segs | 5935 |
sei | 135 |
seis | 5135 |
seise | 35135 |
seises | 535135 |
seize | 32135 |
seizes | 532135 |
sel | 735 |
sell | 7735 |
selle | 37735 |
selles | 537735 |
sells | 57735 |
sels | 5735 |
sessile | 3715535 |
sh | 45 |
she | 345 |
shell | 77345 |
shells | 577345 |
sheol | 70345 |
sheols | 570345 |
shes | 5345 |
shh | 445 |
shiel | 73145 |
shiels | 573145 |
shies | 53145 |
shill | 77145 |
shills | 577145 |
shoe | 3045 |
shoebill | 77183045 |
shoeless | 55373045 |
shoes | 53045 |
shog | 9045 |
shogs | 59045 |
shoo | 0045 |
shool | 70045 |
shools | 570045 |
shoos | 50045 |
si | 15 |
sib | 815 |
sibb | 8815 |
sibbs | 58815 |
sibs | 5815 |
siege | 39315 |
sieges | 539315 |
sigh | 4915 |
sighless | 55374915 |
sighs | 54915 |
sigil | 71915 |
sigils | 571915 |
sigloi | 107915 |
siglos | 507915 |
sill | 7715 |
sillies | 5317715 |
sills | 57715 |
silo | 0715 |
silos | 50715 |
sis | 515 |
sises | 53515 |
sissies | 5315515 |
size | 3215 |
sizes | 53215 |
sizzle | 372215 |
sizzles | 5372215 |
sleigh | 491375 |
sleighs | 5491375 |
slob | 8075 |
slobbish | 45188075 |
slobs | 58075 |
sloe | 3075 |
sloes | 53075 |
slog | 9075 |
slogs | 59075 |
slosh | 45075 |
sloshes | 5345075 |
so | 05 |
sob | 805 |
sobs | 5805 |
soil | 7105 |
soilless | 55377105 |
soils | 57105 |
sol | 705 |
sole | 3705 |
solei | 13705 |
soleless | 55373705 |
soles | 53705 |
solgel | 739705 |
soli | 1705 |
solo | 0705 |
solos | 50705 |
sols | 5705 |
sos | 505 |
zee | 332 |
zees | 5332 |
zig | 912 |
zigs | 5912 |
zill | 7712 |
zills | 57712 |
zizzle | 372212 |
zizzles | 5372212 |
zoo | 002 |
zoos | 5002 |
#! /usr/bin/env python
import string
beghilets = ['b', 'e', 'h', 'i', 'l', 'o', 's', 'z', 'g']
calcLets = ['B', 'E', 'h', 'I', 'L', 'O', 'S', 'Z', 'G']
calcNums = ['8', '3', '4', '1', '7', '0', '5', '2', '9']
fDict = open('dictionary.txt', 'r')
fWords = open('All_Beghilos.txt', 'w')
count = 0
maxWordLen = 0
line = fDict.readline()
while line != '':
line = string.strip(line)
line = string.lower(line)
if len(line) > maxWordLen:
maxWordLen = len(line)
calcWord = ""
calcNumber = ""
isBeghilo = True
for i in range(len(line)):
isBeghilet = False
j = 0
for let in beghilets:
if line[i] == let:
calcWord += calcLets[j]
calcNumber += calcNums[j]
isBeghilet = True
j += 1
if isBeghilet == False:
isBeghilo = False
if isBeghilo == True:
fWords.write(line.ljust(maxWordLen+1)+" "+calcWord.ljust(maxWordLen+1)+" "+calcNumber[::-1]+'\n')
count += 1
line = fDict.readline()
fWords.write("%d total words" % (count))
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